I’m back!! Apologies it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these! It’s been a bit full on lately! But then I wouldn’t want it any different!!
The words in the title of lyrics from a Christian band called Starfield. The song is called Declaration of Dependence… for those who have ever said worship music is boring, have a listen - it might just change your misconceptions! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdKzERWFgM4
Anyway… wow how life just keeps rolling in the changes! And this is still only the start! Firstly a bit of plugging… for all you tweeps, I have a new account specifically for my Youth Work journey! @CHURC_SYW - You know what to do! :P if you want to see more about what I’ll get up to then please follow, it’ll be greatly appreciated.
It’s all sinking in now. It’s very much real. It’s going to happen… and I couldn’t be more excited! All this does mean however I had to move on from my home church for which I grew up with over the last 16 years! Sunday was my last service there, very emotional day. I will certainly miss some incredible people, but then I cant wait to to meet many more!
I gave a testimony in the service which was really the first time I had done such a thing to that many people so that was an experience in itself! But to be quite honest I prefer the one-to-one talks I have with those interested by what I do and believe but who don’t necessarily think the same.
I got asked the question “So why are you doing this?” which surprisingly, I’ve never been asked before! The first answer I gave was simple “Because I’m following Jesus” but what does that really mean - what does it mean to be a follower of Jesus, a disciple?
Well… as part of my course I’m reading the book called, The Complete Book of Discipleship, and here are a few bits from it that I used to explain my answer…
“Discipleship is the relationship I stand into Jesus in order that I might take on his character. As his disciple I am learning from him…”
“Discipleship will be of little or no significance if it doesn’t lead to the transformations of millions outside of Christ & change culture”
The 2nd one I feel being the poignant one.
My friend was quite surprised I guess that I could give such an answer, and wanting to know more, he continued by asking “so what has been your inspiration to go through with this?”
Amongst many reasons I listed, I talked about the piece of scripture taken from Matthew 28:16-20. The book I’m reading also states how important those verses are to knowing the full meaning of being a Christian.
(18) I [Jesus] have been given authority in Heaven & on Earth (19) Go! then to all people everywhere & make them my disciples. (20) teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of the age.
It’s right there, Jesus telling the ones who follow him to go and tell others of his story so they have the chance to follow him too! and it’s that… giving others the opportunity to know of Jesus, so they can decide whether they want to have their life transformed just as I have through being reborn! and he will always be with you, no matter what! Amazing stuff!
Verse 17 says about disciples doubting.
(17) When they [The Disciples] saw him [Jesus] they worshipped him even some of them doubted…
It’s ok to doubt, everyone does when you go through a life transformation!! I know for a fact I doubted many times when looking for Youth Work, saying “Are you sure this is right?!” But I then realised I knew it was because God was saying it to me! and it all became very clear now I have this opportunity to work with Cornerstone.
Those verses have always stuck with me through the transitions of changing paths and now it appears to me everywhere!! only confirming to me I know what my role in God’s plans are. There are no such thing as coincidences only God-incidences!
So yeah! I hope this has filled you in with what’s been going on. There will be other stuff posted again, but now isn’t quite the right time to post them just yet. All in good time!
I have a meeting on Friday to finalise some of the details for my work, so some more prayer would be greatly appreciated once again! and thanks for all the support and prayers I’ve had already!!
I’ve had the revelation, This is my declaration… I will live for you!!
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