Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Thoughts on the last week, including God52 Week Six

Well, that was an interesting week! Both personally & publicly! Over the weekend I was going to write about my views on the current hot topics in the limelight in Christian life. If you were hidden under a rock, you may not realise I'm referring to Roles of Women in Church & Same Sex Marriage. But then I held fire... because actually the reflections for both of those and the God52 Challenge were gonna tie in with each other. To say that at Moorlands everyone has had their guards up when talking about these issues would be a huge understatement, with a whole range of opinions and reasoning to back them up. Normally, the old me would've probably shyed away from the discussions, but with Week Six in mind, I took up the opportunity to muck in.

And quite honestly although the opinions have ranged far and wide and to some that, to me, seem so far out, the overall opinion on it all seems be quite consistent. This isn't just at Moorlands but seems to the same on the guest blogs plus Twitter conversations and that is this...

You know what, we're all broken and twisted. We've all sinned so who are we to judge? Jesus' love is far greater and the fact were all living for God should be the thing we use to unite, rather than having these differences divide us. God has it sorted!

So there was me, going to display my view point all over the net, but it doesn't really matter - that's not the point. The point is we use these experiences to really cement our faith and use it for good works :)

I can't tell you how excited I am for Week Seven!! Everything from the actions to reflection has me buzzing with excitement!

God is working.

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